Regional Priority Plan to Reduce Wildfire Risk and Improve Forest Health in Santa Barbara County

A project of the Wildfire Resilience Collaborative

Photo credit: Mike Eliason, Santa Barbara County Fire

The Regional Priority Plan (RPP) prioritizes actionable projects that mitigate fire risk, build community capacity and increase wildfire and climate resilience. The plan was developed through a highly collaborative process that resulted in several outcomes:

  1. Identification, prioritization and categorization of wildfire risk mitigation projects for the region of Santa Barbara County.

  2. Public centralized database of Santa Barbara County wildfire-related data,  a countywide customizable wildfire risk model, and a spatial decision support system to identify high priority areas for wildfire risk-reduction activities. 

  3. Deepened relationships, strengthened networks, and trust built among the many community partners and agencies that need to work together to build resilience.

  4. A platform for funding and implementing collaborative projects, identifying new projects and priorities and building the capacity needed to move projects forward.

This visionary project and plan was funded by the California Coastal Conservancy to help Santa Barbara County succinctly organize and prioritize projects, programs, and policies to address the ongoing threat of wildfires in the region. The Cachuma Resource Conservation District (CRCD) received this funding and oversaw a multi-prong effort to collect and collate data and collaborate with partners to focus on public and private land in the wildland/urban interface.

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